A Parent or Carer, A Young Person
Youth Law Australia (YLA) is a community legal service that is dedicated to helping Australian children, young people, and their supporters to find legal solutions to their problems. Previously named the National Children’s and Youth Law Centre and known as Lawstuff,...
A Parent or Carer, A Young Person, An Educator
The Legal Services Commission is an independent statutory authority. It is established by the Legal Services Commission Act 1977 (SA) to provide legal assistance to people throughout the State. The Commission is funded by both the South Australian and Commonwealth...
A Parent or Carer, A Young Person, An Educator
The Foundation for Young Australians (FYA) has been empowering and building-up young people for over 40 years. Their programs allow young people to create change as part of a network of other young people who are passionate about improving their world. FYA’s...
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