What Young People Have Told Us

Thousands of South Australian children and young people have been contributing to the work of the Commissioner for Children and Young people by participating in consultations, completing surveys and polls, and sharing their thoughts and ideas via discussion groups, workshops, seminars and summits. Knowing what matters to young South Australians most means she can inform adults who make changes at the systemic level to address, and wherever possible, fix the issues you have raised.

Some have been citizen researchers and policy advocates, they’ve volunteered at events, kept journals and written articles about particular issues and topics that matter to them. The subjects covered have been many and varied. They have ranged from the importance of play for older kids to ways in which digital poverty can be addressed; from fixing the environment to working out career pathways relevant to the future of work. They have included eliminating poverty and bullying, bringing about equality relating to gender identity and equity issues, inclusivity, disability, mental health, physical fitness, transport, infrastructure and how to create child friendly environments, to name a few.

Commissioner’s A-Z of what young people have said

There are all sorts of incredibly valuable opinions and ideas relating to children and young people’s lives that the Commissioner and her team have collected and analysed over the past six years. Without gathering any personal identifying information, this content has been turned into project reports, survey reports, submissions, position briefs, issues briefs, fact sheets, and guides so that South Australian decision makers, community service providers, policy makers and leaders can gain a much clearer understanding of what young people have said about a particular issue. The A-Z of CCYP Resources are available for free download from the Commissioner’s website, which can be accessed directly via the link below.

Go to A – Z of CCYP Resources


CCYP on Youtube

Want to hear what other young people think about particular issues such as the environment, gender equality, jobs, education, health, safety, wellbeing and homelessness, to name a few? The Commissioner has produced a suite of videos capturing what young South Australians have told her about the issues that matter to them most. Follow the link below to view these videos on the CCYP Youtube Channel and if they resonate with you feel free to share them with your friends too.

CCYP on YouTube


Need more information?

Contact us to find out more: commissionercyp@sa.gov.au