The Things That Matter 4

Postcard packs are sent out in Term 3 each year to every school that has students in the 8-12 year age group. The packs contain a pre-printed postcard that contains a set of four simple questions children are asked to respond to in their own words. They are also...

The Things That Matter 3

This is the third report in the Things That Matter series, presenting the responses from more than 13,868 South Australian children who completed their postcards during Terms 3 and 4 of the 2021 school year. Postcards were received from 289 schools across South...

The Things That Matter 2

Building on the inaugural Things That Matter report, Things That Matter 2 provides an opportunity for leaders across schools and the community in South Australia to hear directly from a group whose voices are rarely heard: children aged between 8 and 12 years old....

The Things That Matter

Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child states that ‘all children and young people have a right to have a say on all issues that affect them and for their views to be taken seriously.’ Fulfilling this commitment can involve a variety of...

What South Australian Kids Say About Citizenship

Adults make decisions and take actions that affect children and young people’s lives every day. We do this as parents, carers, community leaders, professionals, service providers and elected and appointed public representatives. What we decide and do, colours and...

Trust is a must

Committing to providing child friendly and child safe environments for children and young people is not merely something that is ‘nice to do’. It is a requirement under international conventions that are embedded in State Legislation. This means organisations in South...