A Parent or Carer, A Young Person, An Educator
The City of Tea Tree Gully provides a range of opportunities and programs for young people to get involved in their local community. With initiatives ranging from young entrepreneur programs, to volunteering coordination, to youth leadership programs, the City has...
A Parent or Carer, An Educator
The Tee Tree Gully Heritage Museum was built in the 1850’s in the village Steventon and operated as the Highercombe Hotel for 24 years. The Museum runs a variety of activities through the year, including a Whodunnit murder mystery, Breakfast with the Birds, A...
A Young Person, An Educator
State Records is responsible for maintaining public government holdings and private collections. The public can access documents held by State Records either in-person or online. You can find out more about the State Records...
A Parent or Carer, A Young Person
The City of Prospect Youth Sponsorship Program aims to encourage and support young people aged 21 years and under who have been selected to represent their institution, club or organisation in areas including sport & recreation, science, technology, arts and...
A Parent or Carer, A Young Person, An Educator
The Campbelltown Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) provides an opportunity for young people to discuss youth issues and make recommendations for positive change for young people who live, work and study in the Campbelltown Council area. YAC members meet every two months...
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