A Community or Government, A Parent or Carer, A Young Person, An Educator
South Australia’s First Nations Voice to Parliament will be a connected, direct and independent line of communication for First Nations people to South Australia’s Parliament and the government, to allow important, shared communication by Aboriginal and...
A Community or Government, A Parent or Carer, A Young Person, An Educator
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice will be an independent advisory body made up of Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander people, chosen by local communities. It will make representations to the Australian Parliament and Executive Government on matters...
A Young Person, An Educator
The South Australian Constitution is the chief governing document of the state. All other laws made in South Australia must fall within the parameters of the Constitution. The Constitution also outlines how the state government must act at all times. You can read the...
A Young Person, An Educator
These Pocket Australian Constitutions are handy pocket-sized editions of the full text of the Australian Constitution. They are published jointly by the Parliamentary Education Office and the Australian Government Solicitor (AGS). You can find out more about the...
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