Resources for Young People

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Curated Listing

The results displaying below are provided for your convenience only.
All resources are purely for reference purposes to enable you to quickly find information relevant to your needs. Please note that we have no direct affiliation with any of the organisations listed.

Bad News

In Bad News, you take on the role of fake news-monger. Drop all pretense of ethics and choose a path that builds your persona as an unscrupulous media magnate (and learn about media literacy and critical thinking along the way).

Founders and Survivors

Founders and Survivors is a partnership between historians, genealogists, demographers and population health researchers. It seeks to record and study the founding population of 73,000 men women and children who were transported to Tasmania as convicts.

Governor’s Civics Awards

The Governor’s Civics Awards for Schools is a cross-sector initiative to develop student awareness and skills as active and informed citizens in a multicultural and democratic society. The initiative involves an annual competition conducted by the Department for Education and guided by the Governor’s Civics Awards for Schools Reference Group.

Migration Museum

The Migration Museum works towards the preservation, understanding and enjoyment of South Australia’s diverse cultures. It is a place to discover the many identities of the people of South Australia through the stories of individuals and communities.

Muriel Matters Awards

The Muriel Matters Awards aim to identify and recognise young people in our schools who show the qualities of self-initiative, determination to make a difference despite personal challenges and a commitment to make the world a better place for all.

Rule of Law Education Centre

Formed in 2009, The Rule of Law Education Centre educates and informs about how the Magna Carta and subsequent rule of law principles have impacted and contributed to the history, culture and legal processes of Australia and to strengthen the rule of law and human rights through education.

South Australia’s First Nations Voice to Parliament

South Australia’s First Nations Voice to Parliament will be a connected, direct and independent line of communication for First Nations people to South Australia’s Parliament and the government, to allow important, shared communication by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in South Australia.